Kung fu superstar Jet Li (Romeo Must Die, The One, the Once Upon a Time in China series) makes his directorial debut with Born to Defense. When a Chinese soldier (Li) returns from fighting Japan, he discovers that his home town has become a base for the American navy. The arrogant and abusive sailors treat the locals with brutal disrespect, stirring up anger and violence. Of course, Li comes to the defense of an old friend and his daughter, who's been forced into prostitution. It's a good thing Li hasn't quit acting; the script is pure melodrama and Li's fledgling direction doesn't rise above that. But, as ever, the fight sequences are many and vigorous, especially a lengthy one-on-one donnybrook in a rain-drenched boxing ring between the diminutive Li and a huge naval officer. --Bret Fetzer
Born To Defence is a movie that everyone can enjoy together.This is something not usually seen in movies of this type, so it makes it an unusual, yet pleasant experience.The movie is absolutely stunning and Kurt Roland Petersson deliver some award winning performances in this movie. I also think Jia Song was great!