Set in Harlem and New Orleans in 1955, this supernatural thriller stirred a brief controversy when released in 1987 because some scenes featuring Lisa Bonet (then a popular cast member of The Cosby Show) were considered too sexually explicit to be rated R. The edited material was restored for the unrated video release, and the movie now makes a fitting double bill with Fallen, with its similar plot about a sullen detective (Mickey Rourke) who is hired to find a missing person by a shady client with pointy fingernails named Louis Cyphre (Lucifer, get it?), played with subtle menace by Robert De Niro. Rourke's investigation leads him into an underworld of voodoo and forbidden desires, and as the mystery unfolds director Alan Parker fills every scene with conspicuous style and atmospheric excess, compelling critic Pauline Kael to observe that, "Parker simply doesn't have the gift of making evil seductive, and he edits like a flasher." And yet, this movie does cast a spell of its own (Roger Ebert's review was considerably more charitable), and the performances of Rourke, De Niro, Bonet, and Charlotte Rampling are well suited to the ominous mood. --Jeff Shannon
If you love watching Mickey Rourke or Robert De Niro, you are deffinetly going to want to watch Angel Heart.
Angel Heart was an incredible movie! Both Mickey Rourke and Robert De Niro were amazing! The great cast includes Mickey Rourke, Robert De Niro, Lisa Bonet, Charlotte Rampling, Brownie McGhee.
Grbavica: the Land of My Dreams - Experience The Magic Of Movies
I left some information, immages, and video previews of Grbavica: the Land of My Dreams below.
Summary of Grbavica: the Land of My Dreams:
Set in Sarajevo's Bosnian neighborhood, Grbavica is a gripping love story between a mother and daughter struggling against prejudice and poverty. Director Jasmilla Zbanic's debut is surprisingly tender considering the film's extremely depressing subject matter. For example, the film opens on Esma (Mirjana Karanovic), a middle-aged mom who gets night shifts bartending at a seedy strip club by lying to the owner that she is childless. Following this scene, however, Esma pillow fights her teenage daughter, Sara (Luna Mijovic), in their meager apartment, immediately establishing their bond. Undependable men come and go, such as Puska (Emir Hadzihafisbegovic), a fur-sporting sleaze who tries to hire Esma's only love interest as a hitman. Grbavica's plot centers around Esma's attempts to save money for Sara's field trip, and Sara's aroused suspicion about her allegedly dead Shaheed father. Esma's failure to produce his death certificate leads Sara closer to the gruesome truth about her real history. Grbavica provides viewers a glimpse into daily Croatian life, by finessing tragedy and comedy into one story. Potential pitfalls, such as Sara's involvement with a gun-toting boy at school, are narrowly averted to prove real resilience. Grbavica is a tale that represents women and children affected by war, in their loss and strengthened love that promotes healing. --Trinie Dalton
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I really loved the movie Grbavica: the Land of My Dreams. I really enjoyed watching Emir Hadzihafisbegovic in this movie. I also think Mirjana Karanovic was great!
I think Emir Hadzihafisbegovic and Mirjana Karanovic worked wonderful in Grbavica: the Land of My Dreams. The great supporting cast includes Emir Hadzihafisbegovic, Mirjana Karanovic, Bogdan Diklic, Semka Sokolovic, Leon Lucev.